my 1st day of taking driving license.. this drawing is made while waiting for the next speaker to come.. i was so damn bored..... & sleepy!!
i saw this guy's picture on the impd (institut memandu portdickson) file i got during the 5 hours talk and i drew it on the blank A4 paper which was included in the file.. (did i supposed to write notes on it? hahaha)
read more on my personal experience at impd at
Art is merely a hobby to me. I stopped learning art since I was 15, so my art might not be as good as the professionals' out there. Nevertheless, I'd love to share what I did for my hobby with you :)
hai..adik comel ni..pegi kelas blaja memandu, dia melukis pulak.. sy doa moga eju lulus k.. pas ni bley drive ;)
tak pi ke empat sempurna akademi?
eju better buat cepat sementara ade mase free..jgn jd cam sy tpkse ponteng klas utk wat lesen
hoho. eju eju..
mmg borim sgt kn duk kuliah 5 jam tuh ? :D
terbukti apabila eju melukis. haha
lucky>> timekasih..doakan eju test rabu ni! huhuhu cuak2
khairi>> err mane tuh?hehe.. eju wat kat impd cos maklong eju knal pakcik jpj ajar kat sane.. sng sket nak lulus..hehe
arc>> wokeh2! lesen P akan cpat2 didapatkan!!
redbirdfe>> sgt19999x boring! hahah
pkai cable nak lulus
taktik kotor nie
empat sempurna tu kat lukut
orang ramai jugak yang pi ambik lesen kat sana
eju slalu confuse linggi ngan lukut.
ni mesti die gi amek lesen kat sane ni kan kan
graduan keluaran empat sempurna
hehehehe =)
sy test rabu ni...road test ye bukan com test kakakka
khairi>> wahh bangge ye? hihihi=))
arc>> road test? gud luck!! samela kte, test rabu eju com test..haha
mane ade same..adeh penat bold hahahha
btw, nak try ngorat lg ah rabu neh kakaka
buku KPP kite same LOL
bukan buku kpp 1 malaysia same ke? hahahah..
ngorat laa..ramai pompuan.. (huhu..kan best klu ramai laki..ngahaha)
Uiks..tak pay attention dlm kuliah ni huhu. repot kat instructor nnt..
lukisan tu dibuat ms tggu the next speaker laa..hahahah=))
hoh0ho..sempat g eh lukis2..cantek pulak tu, mmg dapat di bayangkan betapa bosan nyer ceramah tu~
sgt bosan! hehehe
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